Manuscript submission guidelines for publication
in the journal «Sports science bulletin»

General requirements for the manuscript

The manuscript material must be original, not published in other journals previously. The manuscript should meet the scope of the Journal and contain the substantiation of urgency, academic novelty, practical implication and independent conclusions of the author reflecting the main results of the conducted research.
The volume of a manuscript with illustrations should not exceed 15 pages of the printed text; the volume of a manuscript of young scientists for «Works of young scientists» section should not exceed 7 pages of the printed text.
Manuscripts are accepted both in Russian and in English.


Manuscripts are accepted in OTD, DOC, DOCX or RTF.
The manuscripts should be submitted on A4-format in T Astra Sans, PT Astra Serif, Linux Libertine or Times New Roman fonts, size 14, one and a half-spaced with 3 cm margins on the left side and 2 cm margins on the other sides. All pages of the manuscript, including tables, references, figures and figure captions should be numbered. 
The composition of the manuscript:
— Title;
 Author’s surname followed by initials and abbreviation of the institution(s) (in accordance with Charter of the organization) where the study was conducted, city, country;
 Abstract of 250 words maximum. The usage of formulas and abbreviations in the abstract is not advisable;
 Keywords in Russian;
 Title, author’s surname followed by initials and abbreviation of the institution(s) (in accordance with Charter of the organization) where the study was conducted, city, country, abstract and keywords in English;
 References in Russian;
 References in English (the title of the manuscript should be translated; the references can be transliterated).
Example of manuscript formatting:


РГУФКСМиТ, г. Москва

Аннотация <через 1 интервал>
Ключевые слова:<через 1 интервал>



Abstract <через 1 интервал>
Keywords: <через 1 интервал>

<текст рукописи через 1,5 интервала>


1. <через 1 интервал>


1. <через 1 интервал>

Figures formatting

The figure should be clearly identified (the minimum size of the figure is 90-120 mm; the maximum is 130-200 mm). Both scanned and computer-drawn black-and-white figures could be submitted. All graphics should be done in one of the vector or raster formats: EPS, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, etc. It is highly recommended to make drawings with a resolution not lower than 300 dpi (dots per inch). The thicknesses of thin and thick lines should differ by two or three times. The number of letters and numbers used on the working field of the figure should be minimized. Consider making explanations in the figure captions.

References formatting

The list of references should be made in accordance with GOST R 7.0.100-2018 «Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and drafting rules».
The references are numbered in square brackets. The abbreviation of the Russian and foreign words or word combinations in the bibliographic description is allowed only in accordance with GOST R 7.0.12-2011 «System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing bibliographic record. Abbreviation of words and word combinations in Russian. General requirements and rules» and GOST 7.11-2004 «System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic description and references. Rules for the abbreviation of words and word combinations in foreign European languages».
English references should be made according to the Harvard Reference System (see Appendix 1).
It is recommended to use no more than 15 sources of the last 10 years within original articles and no more than 30 sources within scientific reviews. The list of references should not include unpublished studies. References should be placed as they appear in the manuscript. The author is responsible for the validity of the data given in the list of references.
It is advisable to use references to the Journal «Sports Science Bulletin» in the list of references.

Submitting and reviewing procedure

Letters are to be submitted to and must contain:
— manuscript (a file in OTD, DOC, DOCX or RTF) complied with the Guidelines;
— figures (files in EPS, TIFF, GIF or JPEG);
— author(s) information (full name, academic degree, academic title, area of expertise, position held, organization, scientific supervisor (adviser), e-mail). 
Submitted materials are peer-reviewed for compliance with their present Guidelines. 
The manuscript is peer-reviewed by independent experts with a scientific degrees in physical education and sport. 
The decision for publication is made only with a positive review or after editing the observations (see the Procedure of articles pee-review).
The Editorial Board may reject a manuscript without sending it for peer-reviewing indicating the reasons for rejection. 
The Editorial Board may shorten and edit the articles.
Manuscripts sent back for editing should be returned with amendments to the Editorial Board no later than 14 days upon receiving.
Manuscripts that do not comply with the following requirements will not enter the peer-review process.

Контактная информация:

Editor-in-chief: Boris Nikolaevich Shustin, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, (e-mail:

Managing Editor: Maksim Vsevolodovich Aranson, Ph.D. (Biology), (e-mail: